Basic commands
List all containers
docker ps -a
Delete container
docker rm happy_rosalind
Run an image
docker run -t -i
→ can be detached with ^P^Q and reattached with docker attach
docker run -i
→ cannot be detached with ^P^Q; will disrupt stdin
docker run
→ cannot be detached with ^P^Q; can SIGKILL client; can reattach with docker attach
To detach the tty without exiting the shell, use the escape sequence
Ctrl+p + Ctrl+q
Run a container
docker start happy_rosalind
List all my images
docker images
Commit your container to a new named image
docker commit <container> <some_name>
Rename a container
docker rename oldname newname
Edit/examine the files of a container
docker exec -t -i mycontainer /bin/bash
Other methods:
Docker Reference guide
There are two programs:
The docker daemon - a server process which manages all the containers The docker client - a remote control for the daemon
You can list the commands of the docker client by typing
with no arguments.
You can use container images which have been created by other people. You find them online in the docker index. You can search for images using
docker search [keywords].
Container images are downloaded using
docker pull [image name].
Containers are unstarted by default. You can run commands in a container using the syntax:
docker run [image name] [command to run]
For example, we can install the program "ping" in the container with the command (note: the -y flag instructs apt-get to not ask us to confirm the changes we're about to make):
docker run learn/tutorial apt-get install -y ping
The changes we have made to the container are not yet saved. To save the container, we first need to find it's id:
docker ps -l
Once we have the first few chars of the id, we can save the container with a new image name using:
docker commit [id] [new image name]
We can now run the ping command on our container using:
docker run learn/ping ping
We can use
docker ps
docker inspect [container id]
to learn about available containers.
We can share images using
docker push [image name.
docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash
The -t and -i flags allocate a pseudo-tty and keep stdin open even if not attached. This will allow you to use the container like a traditional VM as long as the bash prompt is running. Install Apache with apt-get update && apt-get install apache2. You’re probably wondering what address you can connect to in order to test that Apache was correctly installed…we’ll get to that after we commit the container.
To find the container ID, open another shell (so the container is still running) and read the ID using
docker ps.
The image name is in the format of username/name. We’re going to use coreos as our username in this example but you should sign up for a Docker.IO user account and use that instead. It’s important to note that you can commit using any username and image name locally, but to push an image to the public registry, the username must be a valid Docker.IO user account.
Commit the container with the container ID, your username, and the name apache:
docker commit 72d468f455ea coreos/apache
Install automatic virtualhosts
docker pull jwilder/nginx-proxy docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock jwilder/nginx-proxy
Run any other container with the VIRTUAL_HOST
docker run -d -e thiagomarini/apache-php docker run -d -e tomcat docker run -d -t -i -p 8888:80 -e --name svendowideit/ubuntu-foswiki /bin/bash docker run -d -t -i -p 8889:80 -e --name svendowideit/ubuntu-foswiki /bin/bash
Install Foswiki container
on Ubuntu
docker run -t -i -p 8888:80 svendowideit/ubuntu-foswiki /bin/bash then goto http://localhost:8888/foswiki
on Centos
- Create a folder
- Create the Dockerfile similar to
docker build -t svendowideit/centos-foswiki .
run the image by:
docker run -p 8080:80 -i -t svendowideit/centos-foswiki /bin/bash
Install Postfix container
docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash
Install with apt-get install postfix then exit with exit
docker ps -a docker commit a363de70db9c sitoplex/postfix docker run -i -p 25:25 -t sitoplex/postfix /bin/bash
Autostart containers at boot
sudo docker update --restart=always plex
Avoid container starting at boot automatically
docker update --restart=no my-container
See the current restart policy
docker inspect my-container
Look for RestartPolicy in the output. You can also use grep:
docker inspect my-container | grep RestartPolicy -A 3