De WikiMar
Script to restart router Connect Box from Unitymedia. This router gets slower when it is not restarted for some time, and thus it improves connection to have a cron script to restart it once a day at 4am i.e.
<?php # Original credit goes to: https://www.symcon.de/forum/threads/39200-Anwesenheitskontrolle-Unitymedia-Router-%28Connect-Box%29-IP-Tabelle-auslesen?p=377418 class UnitimediaRouter { /// you can do your setup here, or pass the configs on the go (as done in the example) var $ip = ''; var $psw = ''; var $debug = false; var $lastToken = false; var $sid = false; var $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36'; // Construct: Pass ID and perform StartAction function __construct($ip = false){ if ($ip){ $this->ip = $ip; } } // Helper for performing CURL requests function httpRequest($url, $post = false, $header = false){ $ch = curl_init('http://' . $this->ip.$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true); // Header if ($header){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); } // Post if ($post){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post)); } $result = curl_exec($ch); $info = curl_getinfo($ch); // get Response Header & Body $responseHeader = substr($result, 0, $info['header_size']-1); $body = substr($result, $info['header_size']); // Get Cookies from Response Header preg_match_all('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $responseHeader, $matches); $cookies = array(); foreach($matches[1] as $item) { parse_str($item, $cookie); $cookies = array_merge($cookies, $cookie); } $resultFull = array( 'info' => $info, 'header' => $responseHeader, 'body' => $body, 'cookies' => $cookies, 'result' => $result ); if ($this->debug){ print_r($resultFull); } return $resultFull; } // helper to transform a XML String to an assoc array static function xmlToArray($sXML){ $oXml = simplexml_load_string($sXML); $json = json_encode($oXml); return json_decode($json,TRUE); } // helper to prepare an AJAX Call function headerForAjaxCall(){ return array( 'Accept: application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Cookie: ' . ($this->sid ? $this->sid.';' : '') . 'sessionToken=' . $this->lastToken, // Add SID (if available - after login) AND Token 'User-Agent: '.$this->userAgent, 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' ); } // every call changes the "sessionToken" which is needed for the next call function updateToken($result){ if (isset($result['cookies']['sessionToken'])){ $token = $result['cookies']['sessionToken']; if ($token){ $this->lastToken = $token; return true; } } return false; } // ACTIONS // First thing to do: // Call login page to get a token to start with function start(){ // header $header = array( 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'User-Agent: '.$this->userAgent, ); // perform request $result = $this->httpRequest('/common_page/login.html', false , $header); // Update Token (changes every time) return $this->updateToken($result); } // Second: // Login with password to get a SID aswell function login($psw = false){ if ($psw === false){ $psw = $this->psw; // use default settings } // Post Data $post = array( 'token' => $this->lastToken, 'fun' => 15, // function 15 => login 'Username' => 'NULL', 'Password' => $psw ); // header $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); // perform request $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/setter.xml', $post, $header); // Update Token (changes every time) if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ return false; } // Valid response? if ($result['info']['http_code'] != 200 || !$result['body'] ){ return false; } // Get Information (SID!) from response body $responseData = explode(';',$result['body']); if ($responseData[0] != 'successful'){ // Is either "successful" or "useridwrong" (or something like that) return false; } $this->sid = $responseData[1]; // save SID return true; } // last action: Logout (optional - but without it the router's webconsole is locked for other IPs (e.g. your browser) for some time) function logout(){ // Post Data $post = array( 'token' => $this->lastToken, 'fun' => 16 // function 16 => logout ); // header $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); // perform request $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/setter.xml', $post, $header); // Update Token (changes every time) if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ return false; } return true; } // Get Connection Table as XML String (Login needed!) function getConnectionTableXML(){ // Post Data $post = array( 'token' => $this->lastToken, 'fun' => 123 // function 123 => get IP Table ); // header $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); // perform request $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/getter.xml', $post, $header); // Update Token (changes every time) if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ return false; } // Valid response? if ($result['info']['http_code'] != 200 || !$result['body']){ return false; } // get XML from responseBody $xml = trim($result['body']); return $xml; } function getPreRestart(){ // Post Data $post = array( 'token' => $this->lastToken, 'fun' => 1 // function 1 => restart ); // header $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); // perform request $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/getter.xml', $post, $header); // Update Token (changes every time) if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ return false; } // Valid response? if ($result['info']['http_code'] != 200 || !$result['body']){ return false; } // get XML from responseBody $xml = trim($result['body']); return $xml; } // Restart router (Login needed!) function getRestart(){ // Post Data $post = array( 'token' => $this->lastToken, 'fun' => 8 // function 8 => confirm restart ); // header $header = $this->headerForAjaxCall(); // perform request $result = $this->httpRequest('/xml/setter.xml', $post, $header); // Update Token (changes every time) if (!$this->updateToken($result)){ return false; } // Valid response? if ($result['info']['http_code'] != 200 || !$result['body']){ return false; } // get XML from responseBody $xml = trim($result['body']); return $xml; } } // Usage Example echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; $oRouter = new UnitimediaRouter(''); // $oRouter->debug = true; if ($oRouter->start() == false){ die('Error Start'); // e.g. Console is locked by an other user } if ($oRouter->login('YOURPASSWORD')){ // get the table // $sXML = $oRouter->getConnectionTableXML(); // if ($sXML){ // // use the helper to get an array from XML String (you could also work with SimpleXML / DomXML ;) // $myConnections = UnitimediaRouter::xmlToArray($sXML); // // print_r($myConnections); // foreach ($myConnections["Ethernet"]["clientinfo"] as $value) { // echo "\t" . $value["IPv4Addr"] . "\t" . $value["MACAddr"] . "\t" . $value["hostname"] ."\tETH" . "\n"; // } // foreach ($myConnections["WIFI"]["clientinfo"] as $value) { // echo "\t" . $value["IPv4Addr"] . "\t" . $value["MACAddr"] . "\t" . $value["hostname"] . "\n"; // } $sXML = $oRouter->getPreRestart(); $sXML = $oRouter->getRestart(); if ($sXML){ // use the helper to get an array from XML String (you could also work with SimpleXML / DomXML ;) $myConnections = UnitimediaRouter::xmlToArray($sXML); print_r($myConnections); } // you should log out to free the web-console $oRouter->logout(); } else { die('Error Login'); // e.g. Password is wrong }